So, I recently went for a cycle on a misty morning and it didn’t quite go according to plan.
By which I mean I got a bit lost, blithely continued for a while until I reached a path so full of potholes that I decided to re-route, got even more lost, backtracked, felt like I was going round in circles and eventually found a path which I hadn’t come across before but looked like it was going in the right kind of direction to enable me to get home at some point in the time I had available.
And I realised that career paths are not dissimilar.
Sometimes you go down a path and maybe that path works out for you, maybe it doesn’t.
Maybe it worked out for you once upon a time but not quite so much now – maybe the nature of the path has changed, or what you want has changed.
Maybe you’ve just been on that path for a long time – it’s become familiar to the point of tedium – you just need to mix it up a bit.
And, just like the mist, sometimes your vision is a bit obscured – for example, by burnout, fear, not knowing about or being able to see other ways.
Once upon a time career paths were very linear, but this is changing.
You work for many years and, let’s be honest, retirement ages are only going to go in one direction.
And that’s one of the reasons that linear career pathways are morphing into what are commonly referred to as ‘squiggly pathways’ (which, having looked on my strava, is actually a remarkably good description of the cycle route I took that morning) .
It’s been happening outside the world of medicine for some time, but is coming more and more into the medical arena with increasing recognition of transferable skills and portfolio options.
Medics are a bright sparky bunch, and it’s hardly surprising that the non-linear or multi-pronged approach is appealing to many.
There are many paths that you could choose to explore – there is no ‘wrong path’ (I will concede that there could be a case for arguing this if you decide to make your fortune by becoming a master criminal) but some will feel like a better fit for you than others, and curiosity and an open mind help enormously as it is likely that, at times, you will feel like you’re going round in circles.
But those circles often leave you with the most helpful learnings to apply to your next steps.
Coming back to my cycle ride, which turned out to be very interesting, these were the ups and downs and the learnings:
⬆️ The ups:
🔹I’ve just looked it up and those 2 big brown birds were indeed kestrels, not overgrown pigeons who had been rolling in the mud, as I first thought (apparently kestrels are quite common but I’m not letting that lessen the excitement)
🔹I got totally mud-splattered and so saved myself some money on booking in for a mud wrap at the local spa
⬇️ The downs:
🔹Veering off into a gorse bush on a tight turn (I really would not recommend this)
🔹Thinking that I had enough momentum to get across a stream I noticed at the last minute – it transpired that that was very much not the case
➡️ And the learnings:
🔹Must reattach my mudguards
🔹Someone stands to make a fortune from developing mini windscreen wipers for glasses
🔹Apparently excitement about writing an article as soon as I walked back through the door did not justify the bottom-shaped remnant of my muddy cycle ride on one of our don’t-wipe-clean kitchen chairs
I’m not meaning to diminish the investment and commitment involved in exploring career paths, but it really does help to step back, take the pressure off ‘getting it right’ and know that, whatever paths you choose to explore, you will learn something that will be helpful in your next steps.
And by just sitting at home and thinking and planning and thinking some more, you risk missing out on all of that.
Not only does getting out there give you a lot of learning, it’s also a lot more motivating and fun! 😃